Animex国际动漫节由英国提赛德大学主办,是全世界六大权威动画游戏展会之一。2023年提赛德大学又新增了ANIMEX 创新研究会,作为 Animex 家族的最新成员,该研究会议将来自动画、游戏和 VFX 领域的学生和从业者聚集在一起,分享他们的研究成果。

ANIMEX 创新研究会正在寻求动画、游戏和 VFX 等各种格式的提案。我们不限制提案内容,但我们非常期待鼓励您的提案可以涵盖以下主题:
- game and animation theory
- gesture recognition and motion analysis
- graph and network visualisation
- inclusive, interactive, participatory, and immersive approaches
- information visualisation
- machine learning and AI in animation and games
- motion capture and retargeting
- motion in sports and rehabilitation systems
- multimodal interaction: haptics, sound, etc
- procedural approaches and behavioural simulation
- serious games and Industrial applications
- social agents and avatars
- user experience and interface
- virtual humans and autonomous actors
- visualisation, virtual reality and augmented reality
我们接受个人20分钟会议演讲、圆桌讨论、海报演讲和正在进行的工作(针对博士生和早期职业研究人员)的提案。We are accepting proposals for individual 20-minute conference presentations, round table discussions, poster presentations and works-in-progress (aimed at PhD students and early career researchers.)
- 20 分钟会议论文:300 字摘要和 100 字个人陈述20-minute conference papers: 300-word abstract and 100-word biographical statement
- 圆桌会议,提案应少于 500 字,并附有对圆桌会议的描述。持续时间为 80 分钟。roundtables, proposals should be less than 500-words with a description of the roundtable. Duration is 80 minutes.
提交截止日期为 2023 年 1 月 20 日。我们将于 2 月中旬发送提交结果反馈。